A sticky, humid Saturday morning brought us the 2nd Annual Ed Sandifer Hanicap 2.4 mile race. It also brought us the actual Ed Sandifer, who continues to amaze everyone with his remarkable, bionic recovery. Ed was also induced into the Western New England Downes Hall of Fame. http://www.wnegoldenbears.com/news/2011/9/19/MXC_0919115205.aspx?path=mcross Unremarkably, in the comments about Ed, one former student noted, ""He was such an organized individual and had a formula for everything." Hence, the genesis of the Roxbury Handicap.
Thanks to Chris and Brian for torturing our race data and seeding us in a waved start. The phrase "friend of Brian" has taken on totally new meaning, specifically "Brian hates you." Least-hated by Brian is this week's winner, Brandon Davis in 16:50 with a 4:35 handicap. On the women's side, Cathy Racz, placed first with a time of 21:54 and a 12:34 handicap. The best time was recorded by "Please, just let me go," Alejandro Abella.
Janet was thrilled to be racing Jeff, "Sheldon is always talking smack to me. This week, he's going down," she declared at the start. The McCulloughs and LoSaccos continue their quests for world domination with Team Adomelis now in the mix. PRs were recorded by Dr. Ross and Emily, nice running you guys. Eric "Hammer Time" and Krystal double-booked themselves and decided to run the other race, even after arriving barely on time at Roxbury. Happy birthday to Bob, who celebrated by, what else? running. Welcome back to Paul, who brought an oeuvre of scatalogical jokes with him.
Rumor CONFIRMED: Congratulations to Mike and Mrs. Abraham who welcomed baby Darya Elizabeth last Wednesday! We are super impressed that Mike's attendance at Roxbury is unaffected by the new arrival.
The Roxbury Half Marathon on November 12 is now filled to capacity. It will not be a points race. If you are not running, please come out to support the race! We need people to help out at registration, water stops, and as course marshals. Please email, FB, or talk to Mary if you'd like to help out.
Good luck to Chris and everyone running the Smuttynose Marathon next weekend! For the rest of us, we run 3.52 miles up Hemlock. See you there!
Roxbury Race Series 2011 - Race #31 - September 24 - 2.4 Miles | ||||||||
The Roxbury Handicap Race | ||||||||
Order of Finish | ||||||||
place | name | age | time | handicap | actual | pace | ||
1 | Brandon Davis | 27 | 12.15 | 4.35 | 16.50 | 7.01 | ||
2 | Damian McCullough | 12 | 12.23 | 7.35 | 19.58 | 8.19 | ||
3 | Erik LoSacco | 8 | 12.25 | 11.20 | 23.45 | 9.54 | ||
4 | Mark LoSacco | 42 | 12.26 | 11.20 | 23.46 | 9.54 | ||
5 | Cathy Racz | 46 | 12.34 | 9.20 | 21.54 | 9.08 | ||
6 | Matt McCullough | 9 | 12.38 | 9.20 | 21.58 | 9.09 | ||
7 | Matt Farrell | 59 | 12.39 | 5.20 | 17.59 | 7.30 | ||
8 | Keith Dupree | 69 | 12.40 | 8.20 | 21.00 | 8.45 | ||
9 | Paige Peck | 13 | 12.41 | 8.20 | 21.01 | 8.45 | ||
10 | Alan Peck | 43 | 13.13 | 8.20 | 21.33 | 8.59 | ||
11 | Janet Levy | 57 | 13.17 | 7.35 | 20.52 | 8.42 | ||
12 | Stosh Davis | 13 | 13.26 | 0.30 | 13.56 | 5.48 | ||
13 | Sharon Gawe | 59 | 13.29 | 7.35 | 21.04 | 8.47 | ||
14 | Steve Haas | 56 | 13.31 | 2.30 | 16.01 | 6.40 | ||
15 | Bob Satterlee | 62 | 13.33 | 7.20 | 20.53 | 8.42 | ||
16 | Alejandro Abella | 32 | 13.34 | 0.10 | 13.44 | 5.43 | ||
17 | Mike Adomelis | 31 | 13.41 | 5.20 | 19.01 | 7.55 | ||
18 | Alison Masopust | 27 | 13.43 | 3.35 | 17.18 | 7.13 | ||
19 | Joseph Danay | 49 | 13.44 | 10.50 | 24.34 | 10.14 | ||
20 | Nate Mahrer | 39 | 13.46 | 2.30 | 16.16 | 6.47 | ||
21 | Jeff Sheldon | 31 | 13.48 | 0.00 | 13.48 | 5.45 | ||
22 | Russ Pribanic | 57 | 13.49 | 3.20 | 17.09 | 7.09 | ||
23 | Jim Frey | 42 | 13.50 | 2.50 | 16.40 | 6.57 | ||
24 | Charlie Euston | 67 | 13.52 | 9.50 | 23.42 | 9.53 | ||
25 | Costas Drakatos | 52 | 13.53 | 4.35 | 18.28 | 7.42 | ||
26 | Kevin McCullough | 46 | 13.55 | 1.50 | 15.45 | 6.34 | ||
27 | Emily Davis | 27 | 13.56 | 4.50 | 18.46 | 7.49 | ||
28 | Jeffrey Bishop | 30 | 13.58 | 3.35 | 17.33 | 7.19 | ||
29 | Mike Abraham | 52 | 14.00 | 1.20 | 15.20 | 6.23 | ||
30 | Harry Ong | 71 | 14.02 | 4.50 | 18.52 | 7.52 | ||
31 | Baerbel LoSacco | 39 | 14.03 | 2.50 | 16.53 | 7.02 | ||
32 | Luke Paparazzo | 52 | 14.05 | 8.20 | 22.25 | 9.20 | ||
33 | Jeff Tindell | 61 | 14.06 | 2.05 | 16.11 | 6.45 | ||
34 | Ross Levy | 60 | 14.07 | 2.50 | 16.57 | 7.04 | ||
35 | Brian Vanderheiden | 41 | 14.08 | 1.05 | 15.13 | 6.20 | ||
36 | John A. Adomelis | 57 | 14.10 | 3.20 | 17.30 | 7.18 | ||
37 | Larry Deming | 54 | 14.21 | 2.50 | 17.11 | 7.10 | ||
38 | Luke Farrell | 23 | 14.23 | 2.05 | 16.28 | 6.52 | ||
39 | Aurelia Boyer | 58 | 14.24 | 10.20 | 24.44 | 10.18 | ||
40 | Bob Lewis | 47 | 14.26 | 4.50 | 19.16 | 8.02 | ||
41 | Marissa Bishop | 30 | 14.27 | 13.50 | 28.17 | 11.47 | ||
42 | Kim Pollard | 30 | 14.28 | 13.50 | 28.18 | 11.48 | ||
43 | Jeppe Christiansen | 48 | 14.45 | 4.10 | 18.55 | 7.53 | ||
44 | Mary Schafer | 37 | 14.54 | 2.50 | 17.44 | 7.23 | ||
45 | Paul Butler | 53 | 14.56 | 5.20 | 20.16 | 8.27 | ||
46 | Kateri Danay | 13 | 15.12 | 4.35 | 19.47 | 8.15 | ||
47 | Scott Benjamin | 53 | 15.42 | 4.10 | 19.52 | 8.17 | ||
48 | Chris Deming | 44 | 18.06 | 0.30 | 18.36 | 7.45 | ||
49 | Luken Hartlage | 50 | 20.56 | 5.20 | 26.16 | 10.57 | ||
Finishers sorted by actual times | ||||||||
place | name | age | time | handicap | actual | pace | ||
1 | Alejandro Abella | 32 | 13.34 | 0.10 | 13.44 | 5.43 | ||
2 | Jeff Sheldon | 31 | 13.48 | 0.00 | 13.48 | 5.45 | ||
3 | Stosh Davis | 13 | 13.26 | 0.30 | 13.56 | 5.48 | ||
4 | Brian Vanderheiden | 41 | 14.08 | 1.05 | 15.13 | 6.20 | ||
5 | Mike Abraham | 52 | 14.00 | 1.20 | 15.20 | 6.23 | ||
6 | Kevin McCullough | 46 | 13.55 | 1.50 | 15.45 | 6.34 | ||
7 | Steve Haas | 56 | 13.31 | 2.30 | 16.01 | 6.40 | ||
8 | Jeff Tindell | 61 | 14.06 | 2.05 | 16.11 | 6.45 | ||
9 | Nate Mahrer | 39 | 13.46 | 2.30 | 16.16 | 6.47 | ||
10 | Luke Farrell | 23 | 14.23 | 2.05 | 16.28 | 6.52 | ||
11 | Jim Frey | 42 | 13.50 | 2.50 | 16.40 | 6.57 | ||
12 | Brandon Davis | 27 | 12.15 | 4.35 | 16.50 | 7.01 | ||
13 | Baerbel LoSacco | 39 | 14.03 | 2.50 | 16.53 | 7.02 | ||
14 | Ross Levy | 60 | 14.07 | 2.50 | 16.57 | 7.04 | ||
15 | Russ Pribanic | 57 | 13.49 | 3.20 | 17.09 | 7.09 | ||
16 | Larry Deming | 54 | 14.21 | 2.50 | 17.11 | 7.10 | ||
17 | Alison Masopust | 27 | 13.43 | 3.35 | 17.18 | 7.13 | ||
18 | John A. Adomelis | 57 | 14.10 | 3.20 | 17.30 | 7.18 | ||
19 | Jeffrey Bishop | 30 | 13.58 | 3.35 | 17.33 | 7.19 | ||
20 | Mary Schafer | 37 | 14.54 | 2.50 | 17.44 | 7.23 | ||
21 | Matt Farrell | 59 | 12.39 | 5.20 | 17.59 | 7.30 | ||
22 | Costas Drakatos | 52 | 13.53 | 4.35 | 18.28 | 7.42 | ||
23 | Chris Deming | 44 | 18.06 | 0.30 | 18.36 | 7.45 | ||
24 | Emily Davis | 27 | 13.56 | 4.50 | 18.46 | 7.49 | ||
25 | Harry Ong | 71 | 14.02 | 4.50 | 18.52 | 7.52 | ||
26 | Jeppe Christiansen | 48 | 14.45 | 4.10 | 18.55 | 7.53 | ||
27 | Mike Adomelis | 31 | 13.41 | 5.20 | 19.01 | 7.55 | ||
28 | Bob Lewis | 47 | 14.26 | 4.50 | 19.16 | 8.02 | ||
29 | Kateri Danay | 13 | 15.12 | 4.35 | 19.47 | 8.15 | ||
30 | Scott Benjamin | 53 | 15.42 | 4.10 | 19.52 | 8.17 | ||
31 | Damian McCullough | 12 | 12.23 | 7.35 | 19.58 | 8.19 | ||
32 | Paul Butler | 53 | 14.56 | 5.20 | 20.16 | 8.27 | ||
33 | Janet Levy | 57 | 13.17 | 7.35 | 20.52 | 8.42 | ||
34 | Bob Satterlee | 62 | 13.33 | 7.20 | 20.53 | 8.42 | ||
35 | Keith Dupree | 69 | 12.40 | 8.20 | 21.00 | 8.45 | ||
36 | Paige Peck | 13 | 12.41 | 8.20 | 21.01 | 8.45 | ||
37 | Sharon Gawe | 59 | 13.29 | 7.35 | 21.04 | 8.47 | ||
38 | Alan Peck | 43 | 13.13 | 8.20 | 21.33 | 8.59 | ||
39 | Cathy Racz | 46 | 12.34 | 9.20 | 21.54 | 9.08 | ||
40 | Matt McCullough | 9 | 12.38 | 9.20 | 21.58 | 9.09 | ||
41 | Luke Paparazzo | 52 | 14.05 | 8.20 | 22.25 | 9.20 | ||
42 | Charlie Euston | 67 | 13.52 | 9.50 | 23.42 | 9.53 | ||
43 | Erik LoSacco | 8 | 12.25 | 11.20 | 23.45 | 9.54 | ||
44 | Mark LoSacco | 42 | 12.26 | 11.20 | 23.46 | 9.54 | ||
45 | Joseph Danay | 49 | 13.44 | 10.50 | 24.34 | 10.14 | ||
46 | Aurelia Boyer | 58 | 14.24 | 10.20 | 24.44 | 10.18 | ||
47 | Luken Hartlage | 50 | 20.56 | 5.20 | 26.16 | 10.57 | ||
48 | Marissa Bishop | 30 | 14.27 | 13.50 | 28.17 | 11.47 | ||
49 | Kim Pollard | 30 | 14.28 | 13.50 | 28.18 | 11.48 | ||
If anyone has photos of the races, send 'em to chris (at) beatfrequencies (dot) com and I'll try to put them up here on these pages...or better yet...
join the Roxbury Races Facebook group and you can post them there yourself!
Roxbury Races Facebook Group